How it all started...

The TabNation sprung from the foundation of Tabernacle Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Elder Willie E. Rushing, affectionately known as Elder W.E. Rushing in the First Jurisdiction of Illinois, on the North side of Chicago in the early 1940's in a little tent.  By 1952, God had expanded the ministry to not only move from the tent, but to purchase a vacated synagogue in the North Lawndale Community on the West Side of Chicago. For over forty years he faithfully pastored until his health began to fail.

Then in 1989, God led Elder Rushing to entrust the church to his faith assistant pastor, Elder James E. Stevens, who took up the mantle and continued the ministry along with his wife, Missionary Gertrude Stevens.    In 2004, Elder Stevens was elevated to Bishop James E. Stevens by Bishop Joseph E. Smith of True Gospel Ministries, because of his dedication to building the Kingdom of God.

Later in 2014, Bishop James E. Stevens began to groom and elevate his son, Elder James Terrell Stevens, to become an innovative and pioneering Pastor of the twenty-first century.  Elder J. Terrell has opened the doors to not only in-person church, but expanding the doors to thousands through virtual church, that the Kingdom of God can grow expediential without walls!

Expanding the vision...

We believe that we are responsible for our brothers and sisters.

We believe in loving people just where they are.

We believe God will bless us with the means EVERY month to be a blessing.

We believe in love, especially within our impoverished community.


To provide delicious homecooked meals, provide necessities for the shelter and critical services that affirm the dignity of men and women who are marginalized and homeless and empower them to gain stability through charitable acts of love.



TabNation is like the tribe of Issachar who seeks to understand, "the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take” (1 Chronicles 12:32 NLT). We are acting as scouts, fervently asking the Lord for discernment into how we can become a Biblically faithful ministry in this forever changing society and culture.
  1. PRAYER - THE TABERNACLE OF PRAYER ADVOCATES FOR PRAYER! We encourage every member to develop a relationship with God through prayer and supplication.  (Philippians 4:6)
  2. WORD - AS BELIVERS WE BELIEVE IN THE WORD! TabNation believes that EVERY WORD THE LORD has spoken is true, right, and undisputable. We believe in studying and rightly dividing the Word (2 Timothy 2:15) that we may grow together as we get closer to the LORD. Our WORD journey begins on SUNDAY with Bible School at 12:30 PM with Teacher Janice Wells, TUESDAYS are TabNation Enrichment Bible Study at 7:00 PM taught by Pastor J. Terrell -and- Youth Bible Study is taught by Youth Leader Tia Purnell; and every Thursday at 9:30 AM is TabNation Thankful Thursday Manna taught by Dr. Evangelist Nashunda Stevens-Perkins.
  3. WORSHIP - We believe in going beyond the veil, at the thrown of THE LORD to worship at His feet!  We push past praise, and into the realm of "true worshippers [who] shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. (24) God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth," (John 4: 23-24). We gather IN-PERSON & VIRTUALLY to give God the glory which is due to Him!  We are blessed with three awesome Worship Leaders: Sister Briasha Smith, Deacon Nicholas Williams, and Sister Charlotte Porter.  We are and have always been known as a Pentecostal Fire-Baptized HAND CLAPPING, DANCING, SHOUTING, SPEAKING IN TONGUE (as the LORD give utterance) CHURCH!
  4. OUTREACH - TOUCH OF THE TAB OUTREACH MINISTRY is rooted and grounded in LOVE!  "The poor you will have with you always," says Jesus in Mark 14:7; and since they are here, we will do what we can to help them.   Every month THE LORD has purposed our missions to serve and meet the unique needs of the community through love. We partner with various local shelters and ministries to feed and clothes those in need.  We have an annual Back-to-School Jamboree to help every child go to school with a new book bag, folders, pens, and pencils.  We partner with women shelters to help battered women and children.  TabNation is a nation of love, and we try our best to show it!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm.